The results

In the autumn of 2015, we delivered a completely new website to the content team of NS, including one-to-one training and manuals. The carefully prepared handover guaranteed the day-to-day continuity. The permanent staff could get straight down to work with a completely new website and CMS.

Old situation

The digital environment of NS consisted of websites on different platforms. In the course of time, these channels were developed by several departments in the organisation. And specifically the main website ( no longer met the requirements of modern users. It was about time for a catch-up.

Our project objectives

A modern and user-friendly website with excellent content and functionalities for the most important customer journeys main use cases. And with a consistent user experience between digital channels on different platforms.

NS now has a modern and user-friendly website with excellent content and functionalities.

Action plan

The first step was developing a detailed plan. For this purpose, we compared the project to previous and large migrations and collected all relevant information.

The action plan included the following components:

  • Content plan
  • Processes
  • Planning
  • Roles & responsibilities

Details are very important. If activities and responsibilities are unclear, it may lead to delays and overspending the budget.


After careful preparations, we rebuilt the entire website of NS in the CMS: Hippo. All existing content was reviewed, rewritten and migrated to new pages, according to strict guidelines.

Our Crossphase employees held several positions in the team:

  • Content lead
  • Content manager
  • Executive editor
  • Web editor

Content migration

An essential part of this project was moving the content to the new system. A content migration is more than just copying and pasting text and images. The NS website has got a new structure with new templates, which meant that all content had to be reviewed and adjusted accordingly. This revision of content is very important for the quality of the new website, if not done carefully, it could have a significant impact on the user experience.


During this project our employees worked in close collaboration with the developers of NS and Hippo. All new templates developed by the team were tested extensively. Not only did we focus on the interface or ‘the front’ of the website, the CMS got just as much attention in this project. This attention to detail allowed us to focus on functionalities and on user-friendliness as well.

Shiane Gambhirsingh
Shiane Gambhirsingh
Lead Accountmanager

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