Cms selection | Preparation | Start migration | Live

Have you gone through the preparatory steps of content migration? You choose a cms and you have things like functional testing, schedule and content audit clearly? We tell you here how to make a good start.

You want personal advice about your content migration?

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What can you expect from Crossphase?

  • We organize a personal kickoff meeting of the content migration with your team.
  • Our content manager makes your new site structure in the new cms. We look out for the SEO-value of your pages.
  • We give you advice about consistent files names and tags of the content.
Ask for advice
Vierkant projectmanagement wit blauw

Content migration Renault the Netherlands

A content migration with a tight deadline: you can go live in the summer holidays. “In 4 months we will go live before the deadline”.

Read the case study
Case Renault

This is how we help you to start with content migration

To make sure that everyone has the same expectations of migration, we have to talk during the kick off about the items listed below.

  • Procedure: is there a format for images? How much feedback rounds do we need?
  • Look & feel: how will be like your website? Which page types there are?
  • Communication: What is the system to communicate with each other (e-mail, Slack, Skype, etc)? Who is responsible for what? Who is when to achieve?
  • Planning: What are the deadlines? When is the go-live date? Are there other events which could be taken into account?

The kick off cares for a smooth running of the migration. If our content managers are not at your office but they work from another place, then is the kick off of a valuable face to face moment.

After the kick-off of the content migration we make appointments. And then it’s time to start with the real job.

Site structure

Our content manager makes a clear structure in the cms. The accrued SEO-value of the old pages has the first priority. If the pages get a new URL, we make sure for the right redirects, in this way they will be found in the same way in Google.

Naming of the files and folders

If the structure is done, we can start with making textual en visual components. For this is ‘naming conventions’ important. This is determined during the kick-off. Everyone who is working on the migration, gives files and folders consistent and logical names. In this way your organisation can work in an efficient way in cms.

At websites migrations working 3 parties together: development (the developer), business (you) and content (we). Everyone has a sub planning.

To make sure that these sub plannings are connected with each other, plans Crossphase a weekly call or meeting. During this call or meeting we give each other an update of the situations and progress. The minutes will be divided in the end. In this way, everyone knows about the situation and progress.

“Our weekly call with you and the developer helps to make your website migration clear. Is all software delivered on time or can we help the delverpor with something? And is the content completely. With our weekly call we monitor the planning of your migration.”

Wouter, senior content manager

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Casper de Heer
Account Manager

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