CMS selection | Preparation | Start migration | Live

Do you want a new website? Then you will become acquainted with content migration. The first step in that process is to decide which content management system (CMS) best suits the goals of your organisation.

And that choice is a big deal! There are many CMSs, all with their own advantages and disadvantages.

Do you want help with choosing the best CMS for your situation as soon as possible?

Ask for a consult
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What can you expect?

  • You get tailored advice from our consultant. This helps you to ensure that your new CMS fits your organisation, marketing and the skillset of your staff.
  • We take the latest developments in CMSs into account. So your website is functional for years to come.
  • You get a preselection of the CMSs with a list of the advantages and disadvantages per CMS. Then you can choose which system best suits your website.
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This is how you get the best CMS advice

The best option for a CMS differs per organisation. That’s why we come to you to learn about your specific situation.

What are the goals and the wishes of your organisation?

We discuss which system works best for your organisation and marketing goals. For the short term, and, more importantly, for the long term. We also look into the necessary functionalities.

What’s your budget? What experience with CMSs does your staff have?

We help you operate within budget and ensure that your staff can work with the new website and CMS.

When we mapped your situation, we give you tailored advice. This includes a preselection of a few CMSs with a clear overview of the pros and cons. You also receive additional advice that helps you make a choice.

Do you want to get started with a preselection yourself?

Try our newest CMS selector. You can find this tool in the bottom right corner of your screen.

You chose a CMS? Then you can set up the CMS yourself and perform the migration.

You can also let us guide you through the steps. We have years of experience in all the steps of a content migration, from CMS advice to go-live of the new website.

“Content management systems are moving towards Digital Experience Platforms. The opportunities are endless: for example, there are options for A/B-testing or far-reaching personalisation. The possibilities differ per CMS. Nowadays, you should think carefully before making a choice.”

Tim, Principal Consultant and content migration expert

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Emmely van der roer
Emmely van der Roer
Account Manager

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